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Reason for this brand name

The reason for my name brand started with instagram. I’ve never been good at coming up with names. Now, it is no different.

My children were named by other family members. That’s another story time, maybe. Even user names are difficult to come up with. I guess I always wanted something funny or cool 😎. Im funny but more of an in the moment funny.

I realized, while researching how to start a business, everyone has said to find your niche. Narrow it down so that you can cater to your customers. So I’m working towards creating that one unique piece.

Yes just like this. Crazy and happy at the same time.just creating art.

Whether that be jewelry or painting, etc. I have too much to do, and I’ve been holding back for too long! The world deserves better.

Too many times

So I used my name (easy) and added creations.

Anyone else find it difficult to name things or even people?

Check out my latest blog post below
